The Teen Life

Teenage Romance: Tips for Teens and Parents
Teenage romance can be a maze of emotions, uncertainties, and new experiences. Read for tips for teens and parents on how to navigate the teen dating landscape.

5 Positive Ways to Deal with Parents
The same communication issues that bother adults often frustrate teens, too. Here are a tips to help frustrated teens deal with parents.

Winter Holidays in the Classroom
Celebrating Christmas in the classroom can be controversial. How can we celebrate winter holidays in the classroom without making students feel excluded?

De-stressing Traditions (And Why They Matter)
Are you setting your holiday standards too high? De-stressing your traditions has a positive impact on you and your family. Here’s why.

4 Ways to Nurture Teen Focus
When teens increase their attention span and ability to focus, they excel in all areas of life. The good news is, you can help.

Helping Teens Struggling in School
Discover effective strategies to support teens struggling in school. Overcoming academic challenges is possible with the right guidance and patience.

Top Tips for Talking with Teens about Suicide and Depression
Talking with teens about depression and suicide can be scary. Don’t miss these top tips for starting and having this vital conversation.

What Are Family Values and Why Do They Matter?
Creating a list of family values strengthens bonds and builds resilience. Learn more about how to define and implement family values in your home.

A Gorilla in the Weight Room
What would happen if we recognized the innate strengths in ourselves the same way we do in wild animals? What would change about how teenagers see themselves?

Summer Bucket List for Families
Get ideas on how to create a plan that the whole family will love and make this summer the best yet for you and your teen.